Asia 2017 Attractions

Sometimes, I think I am loosing my strategic focus. Sometimes I think I loose sight of what my true objectives should be. Think about it. What is travel all about, anyway? Granted, it’s about a myriad of life’s experiences. It’s about food, culture, nature, civilization, architecture, adventure, logistics, and a bazillion other stimulations of the mind and the senses. But for me, one of the most significant experiences of travel are those special “tourist attractions” that seem to get on everyone’s lists. Sometimes I get my priorities totally screwed-up. I forget for a moment that I’m not traveling simply to rack up countries. I forget what’s really important – the mental and physical stimulation that comes from experiencing the greatest testaments to the sanctity of our natural environment and to the awesomeness of Homo sapiens. That’s because life is full of little distractions and, sometimes, my poor little brain goes a little haywire. I forget to remember the Why of travel when I’m trying to deal with the How, as in how am I going to do this? The picture in this post is of Taung Kalat. It’s an incredible place in Sri Lanka that I might have missed had I not remembered that it’s not about how many countries you’ve been to or how many days you’ve spent wandering aimlessly in places you never planned to go to. It’s about seeing the things that you consider worth seeing. It’s about saying that I think that this particular entity looks like it would be something I’d like to experience. It looks like something that might get me really juiced about doing what I’m doing.