Bountiful America

Hibachi - OKCI loves this country. There’s no where else like it in the world. At least that I’ve come across. Sure, I’ve been to countries with a higher per-capita income and better health care. I’ve been to countries that are more sophisticated than we are. I’ve been to countries that look down on us a country full of gun-toting, redneck cowboys. But the truth is that there’s no other country like America and I’m proud I’m a part of it. We’re unique. The picture is of the food line at Hibachi – my current favorite place for a Chinese Buffet. The place is so representative of the U.S. I mean, you don’t really think you can find a Chinese buffet anywhere else in the world outside of America do you? It’s totally over the top. Way-too-much-food. Great food. As I was telling my wife when we left after we had lunch today. The food there is so good that I want more even after I’m so full I can hardly walk. Eating there means that I have to go home and have a two-hour nap before I can function again. I love this country.