Hostel Bunks

Hostel Bunks

Hostel Bunks

We had two bunk beds and four lockers in a small room. Two people couldn’t dress at the same time. You had to hope the guy above or below you was having a restful night. You had to hope that no one would come in drunk in the middle of the night. Four bed dorm rooms cost more than six bed dorm rooms. Six bed dorm rooms cost more than eight bed dorm rooms. Eight bed dorm rooms cost more than 10 bed dorm rooms. By the time it gets to a sixteen bed dorm room, you can be virtually guaranteed that a good night’s sleep isn’t achievable. The largest room I’ve ever slept in was a 36 bed co-ed room at Vondlepark Hostel in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Sleeping in a room with that many people is a form of Hell. Even the military doesn’t put that many people in a room. Outside of a hostel, I think that only refugee camps house that many people in one space.