Namibia Africa Eggs

Namibia Africa Eggs

Namibia Africa Eggs

You might ask why I would take a picture of two eggs and a couple of strips of bacon. That’s because the fellow who cooked the two eggs in this style absolutely could not cook eggs properly when I ordered them over-easy and he was simply the best sunny-side-up egg man I had ever seen. These eggs tasted absolutely delicious. They were as close to perfect eggs as I had ever seen and every time I watched him deliver the eggs to anyone in the breakfast room they always looked this way. Plus, this had to be some of the best bacon I ever had in my life. After two days of near-perfect eggs and wonderful bacon along with all the guava or orange juice I could devour, all the fresh perked coffee and tasty fruit yogurt I wanted I knew I did not want want to go back to the tasteless porridge we would have on our overland adventure. Darn the luck.