SF to LA Weather

Weather is an issue for me. If I’m going to ride a bike from LA to SF or SF to LA, weather is important. I checked my favorite weather map Wundermap, for historical highs and lows for the period September 12, 2014 to October 16, 2014 and found that, for the majority of the days of that period, the temperature at 3:00 AM for the coastal region from SF to LA had a temperature that ranged from the high 50′s to the low 70′s with temperatures primarily in the 60′s. This was along the coast and the temperatures were remarkably consistent. Daytime temperatures at 5:00 PM tended to be in the 70′s. The range was from the mid-60′s to the 90′s. It was uncommon that the temperatures got into the 90′s but it did happen a few times. The most common temperatures seemed to be in the higher 70′s to lower 80′s. Again, this was along the coast. Daytime temperatures were less consistent than the temperatures at night. It’s my belief that I could work with any of the dates during the period I researched. Then again, this was only for the year 2014. Who knows what the weather will really be like this year during that period? Also, it might be helpful to consider rainfall for the period which can be found here. September looks a lot better for rainfall than October, and yes, I do know there is currently a drought in the state.