Tag Archives: Church

Odessa Ukraine Church

Odessa Ukraine ChurchThey have some really nice tops on their churches in Eastern Europe. These are Orthodox churches. That’s a little different from regular Catholic churches, although they do have Catholic churches in Eastern Europe. The term Orthodox comes from the Greek words orthos and doxa. They mean correct belief. Who am I to argue. I think their churches are pretty cool. I think there is quite a bit of difference between the Orthodox faith and Catholicism. One of these days I’m going to spend some time learning a bit more about the Orthodox religion.

Lima Peru San Francisco Church

Lima Peru San Francisco Church

Lima Peru San Francisco Church

The San Francisco church was the highlight of my visit to Lima. It wasn’t just all the pigeons who kept circling and making people wonder if there was a danger of getting attacked by wild pigeons. This was some church. I made the 40 minute English tour that was primarily of the monastery, the catacombs and the library. I was impressed with the Franciscan monastery found at the church. The monastery is most famous for its’ catacombs that are supposed to have witnessed as many as 70,000 burials. We got to see a lot of human remains. It also had a wonderful old library that supposedly housed texts that predated the Spanish conquest of Peru. .

Quito Ecuador Church

Quito Ecuador Church

Quito Ecuador Church

They had some beautiful churches in Quito. Catholicism is alive and well in South America. This church is referred to as Santo Domingo. It is situated on a large square that is also a stop on the Quito Trolley. Even better is the fact that it’s on the edge of Quito’s Old Town. The major churches of Quito are La Compania, Santo Domingo, San Francisco, La Merced, The Guapulo, La Catedral, San Agustin, El Sagrario and La Basílica. It would be an all-day job just to see them all.

Easter Mass 2011

Easter Mass 2011

Easter Mass 2011

I attended Easter Mass at the San Felipe de Neri Church. This church is a Catholic church located on the north side of Old Town Plaza in Albuquerque. It was built in n 1793, and is supposed to be the oldest surviving building in the city of Albuquerque.

Macau Wedding

Macau Wedding

Macau Wedding

I’m not absolutely sure what was going on in the picture, but, it appeared that a young couple was getting some pictures taken for their wedding album. The church facade in the background is what is left of the Church of St. Paul. The church was, at one time, the largest church in Asia. It was built in the 17th century by the Jesuits. The church is considered to be the most visited tourist attraction in Macau. Outside of the gambling casinos, of course.