Tag Archives: Guatemala

Rosa de Jamaica Tea

Rosa de Jamaica Tea

Rosa de Jamaica Tea

It’s an almost-used-up bag of tea. There’s a good story here. I was looking around in the cabinet at home and asked my wife what she wanted me to do with this bag that was just taking up space. She said that she didn’t know. The bag was mine. I asked her what it was. She told me it was tea that I had bought in Guatemala. I said "Really?" She told me it was true. So, I opened the bag, intending to use it up. Now, I’m hooked on the stuff. Seems it’s addictive and very hard to get, at least his brand of tea, I’m now a fan of hibiscus tea. If anyone knows where to get this particular brand in the states, I’d appreciate a note about its’ location.

Me and Buddies – Antigua, Guatemala

Me and Buddies - Antigua, Guatemala

Me and Buddies – Antigua, Guatemala

They followed me around for a while. There are lots of kids who approach tourists in Central America wanting a few coins. So I gave them some. Normally I’m not big on giving money to people in foreign countries who have their hands out. Not that I wouldn’t like to give them all some money. I would. It’s just there are so many and as soon as I give one some money here come five more who see me do it. After a while I have a crowd following me. Best not to get it started.

Inside Chicken Bus – Antigua, Guatemala

Inside Chicken Bus - Antigua, Guatemala

Inside Chicken Bus – Antigua, Guatemala

This is the inside of a chicken bus. The trick is to try and cram as many people in the bus as is humanly possible. The bus drives down the road and a guy leans out the door shouting and trying to get riders as they drive through the countryside. The riders get on and have to find a place to light. Chicken buses are not known for their reserved demeanor. The faster they get from point A to point B, the faster they can make the return trip. More trips = more money. So, the object is to see how fast you can make a loop. This doesn’t make for passenger comfort. The passengers are being tossed around as the bus driver drives like a maniac to get to potential passengers before another chicken bus. All-in-all it’s an interesting system, these chicken buses.

Chicken Bus – Antigua, Guatemala

Chicken Bus - Antigua, Guatemala

Chicken Bus – Antigua, Guatemala

Checken buses are bightly decorated school buses which function as public transportation in sections of Central America. I got to ride a few during my sojourn to the area. I always felt good about riding them. It was like I was supporting some sort of weird cultural institution. It was also akin to going to the state fair and getting on one of the thrill rides.

Buddies – Rio Dulce, Guatemala

Buddies - Rio Dulce, Guatemala

Buddies – Rio Dulce, Guatemala

This guy was really shy. He worked on the boat dock for one of the local boat operators. He eally didn’t want to get his picture taken. But, when he saw the American dollar in my hand, his mind started thinking chocolat or ice cream or something else wonderful and he acquiesced. He smiled when we showed him the picture.

The River – Rio Dulce, Guatemala

The River - Rio Dulce, Guatemala

The River – Rio Dulce, Guatemala

The Rio Dulce river was huge. It is located in Guatemala and is a popular destination for large cruising sailboats that are in the Caribbean. We saw hundreds of large boats that were crusing and docked on the river and in the surrounding tributaries. These were boats that were residences for their owners. It made me want to go out and buy a sailboat. That is until I thought about breaking the news to Ethel.