Taj Mahal – Security

Taj Mahal - Security

Taj Mahal – Security

The lines were awful. To further complicate things, Indians don’t queue well. I figure that, with a line of 25 people in front of me and the 100 or so Indians who went to the front of the line and got in ahead of me, it took me almost an hour to get my ticket to the Taj, check my bag and go through security. To further complicate things I had a tuk-tuk driver who didn’t want to drop me at the East Gate, which was supposed to be the gate with the fastest entry time. The driver wanted to park at the south gate for some reason unbeknownst to me and he had every conceivable excuse available as to why we shouldn’t go to the East Gate. I would have gladly lost the tuk-tuk driver except that he spoke really good English, was funny and he was quite knowledgeable. In the end, I simply waited and got in. Fortunately, by the time I got out I was thankful that I went in when I did. The length of the line had tripled. Poor souls…