Truck Clean Zimbabwe Africa

Truck Clean Zimbabwe Africa

Truck Clean Zimbabwe Africa

We stopped for a truck clean. We do that whenever the truck reaches on of the milestone destinations of the trip. At those locations the truck may add people and we may loose people. The location in question is Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. I understand that we loose four and gain five. But, who really knows until all the people show up. In the mean time we take all the stuff out of the truck and clean it. We take all the loose stuff that no one has laid claim to and put it on a couple of ground cloths and, eventually, everyone finds their stuff. Some things get thrown away if no one clams them. I got a can of coke and an unopened package of cookies from the pile after everyone had laid claim to their goods. I guess all that cleaning paid off. The picture is of the group getting ready for lunch, which proceeded the truck clean. Note that the largest dimension available for this picture is 1024 X 768 as it was uploaded at a very slow bandwidth from a remote location in Africa.