Tag Archives: Egypt

El Tahrir

El Tahrir

El Tahrir

It was my favorite place for Koshary. As well as many other people’s. I couldn’t always get my own table so I often had to sit with other people. There were certain times of the day when there was no way to get a table alone. I didn’t really mind if my dining companions could speak some English. Since El Tahrir was a couple of blocks from the American University I often dined with students. Sometimes though, I had to sit with a local and just smile, point and grunt a lot. The koshary was worth it.

Blackcurrent Fanta

Blackcurrent Fanta

Blackcurrent Fanta

Only in Egypt have I ever drank Blackcurrent fanta. I grew particuarly fond of the drink during my stay in the country. Personally, I think Wal-Mart could make some serious profits if they carried the concoction.

Sphrinx Crowd

Sphrinx Crowd

Sphrinx Crowd

This is a picture of the crowd which is on a hill overlooking the Sphinx. People go there to get a good view. The problem is that they all go there to get a good view and the place gets really crowded. It is one of the best places to get a good, close camera shot. There are certain places in Egypt where there are lots of funky white folks. This is one of them.




Tea is everywhere. Everyone served me tea. All the time. It was an insult to turn down a glass of tea. And, much to my delight, it always had leaves in the bottom so that I could tell whether it would be a good day or a bad day…

King Tut Room Pic 801 – 3

King Tut Room  Pic 801 - 3

King Tut Room Pic 801 – 3

The bath. Not home, but I saw a whole lot worse in Egypt. Who amd I kidding, I stayed in rooms with a bath that was a lot worse. This isn’t the Hilton, though…

Me Giving Directions

Me Giving Directions

Me Giving Directions

Am I sometimes reall stupid or what? By the way, that’s Saudia Arabia in the background. This means I’m pointing west. Maybe I’m not so stupid after all…