Tag Archives: Ethel

Teens Again 10-2008

Teens Again   10-2008

Teens Again 10-2008

Notice the juke box. We stopped for lunch in Atlanta and found this 50′s and 60′s place near the World of Coke. I can remember going out to lunch in High School and playng the juke box that was just like the one between Ethel and me. Wow! Gets my hormones flowing just thinking about it.

Ethel at World of Coke 10-2008

Ethel at World of Coke   10-2008

Ethel at World of Coke 10-2008

See Ethel. See the cool shades. They were from the 3-D movie, which was quite good, at World of Coke. I asked her to wear them all day ’cause she looked so cool but she kept falling down…

Ethel at Turner Field 10-2008

Ethel at Turner Field  10-2008

Ethel at Turner Field 10-2008

This is Ethel. This is our rental car we used in Atlanta. We parked the Big Truck at the Petro on the Loop. We stayed at the truckstop at night and toured by day. The cost of sleeping in the truck at night? $0.00. The cost of the rental car? $55 for a 3-day weekend. The cost of food and attractions? That’s another story…

Braum’s Dairy Stores

Braum's Dairy Stores

Braum’s Dairy Stores

This is a sign out in front of a Braum’s Dairy Store. They’re kinda like a Heritage’s or a High’s or an Oberweis’ or a Stew Leonard’s. Only better. Their ice cream is only a zillion times better than Ben and Jerry’s, their chocolat milk puts Hershey’s to shame and their lowfat milk is the best in the world. Did I mention their burgers? There used to be one located within walking distance of our house and Ethel and I used to gather all the kids together and walk down there for cones. Ahhhh, memories…

Great Pose 10-2008

Great Pose  10-2008

Great Pose 10-2008

This is Ethel at the Oklahoma Aquarium in Tulsa (Jenks, actually). This is another side of her altogether. Ethel is making funny with a fake aligator.

South of the Border 11-2008

South of the Border  11-2008

South of the Border 11-2008

South of the Border started as a beer joint just south of the North Carolina state line on I-95. Today it’s an place where the road weary can stop and feast of the kitschness of the place. It is announced by the several hundred billboards that can be found from Philadelphia to Florida that let you know how far you are from the place. I’ve been there. I’ve wandered around with my Ethel. There’s a truck stop with parking.