Tag Archives: Overland Trip

Namibia Africa Map

Namibia Africa  Map

Namibia Africa Map

This is a map of Namibia that I photographed in a bakery where we had lunch. I liked Namibia. Actually, I liked all of Africa. Each country has its’ own charm and attractions which make it special. I found that Namibia was no different. Plus, I had the extra bonus of knowing that I would be able to be home in a matter of a couple of weeks. My long journey was about to come to an end soon. From the time that this picture was taken I would only have to sleep in a tent for another three or four days. I would be back to sleeping in a bed and taking hot showers that were available all day long. What a good feeling.

Namibia Africa Breakfast

Namibia Africa Breakfast

Namibia Africa Breakfast

Yes, this was my whole breakfast. They called it a "truck breakfast" which meant that we ate it on the truck. The whole point was that we (or rather other people besides me) wanted to leave early because we had a long driving day and they did not want to spend a lot of time on breakfast so we all got a biscuit and a banana. Actually, for some people, myself included, we could have had two biscuits and two bananas. That’s because there was a surplus of biscuits and bananas due to the fact that not everyone took their allocation (they ate some of their personal snacks instead) and very few people took seconds. All I can say is that we usually have a better breakfast than this.

Namibia Africa Dusty Roads

Namibia Africa Dusty Roads

Namibia Africa Dusty Roads

This is the floorboard of the back of the truck one morning after we went down some of Africa’s finest roads. Notice the footprints. They are there because there was so much dirt in the truck that the whole rear of the truck was covered with dust. What’s worse, we were all probably breathing this stuff and there’s probably a nice coating of dust on our lungs. It gets dusty in the back of the truck all the time. This was just one of the worst cases I’d seen in my time on the truck.

Botswana Africa Friends

Botswana Africa Friends

Botswana Africa Friends

The girl in the middle copping the tongue attitude is Katie (USA). The guy on the left is Conlin (England) and the guy on the right is Tyler (Canada). Conlin and Tyler were tired. They’d probably had a big night and Katie was available to help them catch a few zzzz’s. I saw these great pictures of people asleep all the time. People would just sort of fall asleep on other people. Life on a truck can be a little rough sometimes. I’m just not sure why I got the tongue. I just took the picture.

Locked Out in Africa

Locked Out in Africa

Locked Out in Africa

This is the truck one morning after there was a big birthday party the night before. It’s 8:00 AM and Karen (Germany) is sitting waiting on the team leader to get out of bed so she can get into the truck to get the keys to open up the truck so she can get a cup of coffee. She was a little upset that the truck was locked up at this time in the morning but the youngsters had another good night out and, after all, it was someone’s birthday. I took Karen up to the cafe and bought us a pot of coffee. She wound up being quite pleased. There’s always a solution. It’s good to have a little money.

Absolute Africa Botswana

Absolute Africa Botswana

Absolute Africa Botswana

It’s another big yellow truck that roams around Africa. This company is a competitor to the company I am with. Essentially, both trucks do the same thing. They take people around Africa to see the sights. Both have about the same size trucks. Both stay at the same type of campgrounds. The routes may be different and the costs will probably be different based on the routes and whether the activities done on the route are optional or not.

Okavango Delta Botswana Termites Africa

Okavango Delta Botswana Termites Africa

Okavango Delta Botswana Termites Africa

This is one of the guides explaining about the termite mound that you see in the picture. My personal opinion is that this is a serious termite infestation. In actuality, this termite colony is gone. It moved down the road. These termite mounds can be found all over southern Africa. The are more prevalent in some areas than in others. They can be seen as we drive through the region. I saw dozens of them in the small area of the Delta that we visited.

Okavango Delta Botswana Poo Africa

Okavango Delta Botswana Poo Africa

Okavango Delta Botswana Poo Africa

One of the things we did on our hike was to learn about different types of poo. According to our guide, you should be able to figure out what animal left the poo and what gender the animal was. I did ‘t really do well on the poo lessons. It just wasn’t something I grasped really quickly. That’s probably because I wasn’t the naturalist that some of the other group members were. They grabbed the poo stuff really quickly. I figured that once I left Africa, I would never really get to use it a lot. For example, would I really need to know if the poo that I might find around my home was left by a male or female elephant? No, of course not. Nor would I care if it was left by a giraffe. Some poo is better off left alone.

Okavango Delta Botswana Hike II Africa

Okavango Delta Botswana Hike II Africa

Okavango Delta Botswana Hike II Africa

It’s another hike. While we were in the Delta we took two hikes. The first one was a couple of hours long. The second one was for over three hours. This is a break we took on the second hike. Notice the elephant bones. We saw a variety of animal remains on our hikes in the Delta. Notice also the savannah behind Behind Will, Hannah, and Amy (all from England). The Okavango Delta is made of islands, some of them quite large, and a lot of water. We were on one of the islands.