Bisbee Arizona

I’d never heard of Bisbee, Arizona before I met Ranger Ron. He told me I should go see the town of Bisbee. He said he had friends in Bisbee and it was a nice place to visit. So, on the way back to his house I decided I would stop off. I was glad I did. Bisbee is one of those quintessentially interesting place that make an impact on a person. It was a significant copper mining community until the copper started running out in the 1970s. According to Wikipedia the “sudden flood of real estate onto the market and crash in housing prices, coupled with an attractive climate and picturesque scenery, led to Bisbee’s subsequent rebirth as an artists’ colony in the early 1970s” and it became a “haven for artists and hippies” during that period. Today, it’s a town worthy of a visit from someone passing through the area. Ron told me I missed a great coffee shop and a couple of good restaurants on my visit. maybe I’ll get back one of these days. Note – ignore my poor pictures and look at the photos at Google Images and Flickr. There are some great pictures of the town.