Bus Madness

Bus Madness

Bus Madness

This is what I call Bus Madness. This is the Puduraya Bus Terminal in Kuala Lumpur. There are slots downstairs for 50-60 buses to load/unload passengers. Upstairs, where this picture is shot , there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 60-80 bus companies. Each one has a ticket window with one or more people to sell tickets. The larger companies have ticket touts outside to steer the masses to the windows with ridiculously pretentious sales claims. The place is a seething sea of raw humanity. This picture is only one of the halls in the building. There must be thousands of people in the station during the day. I’m not claustrophobic, but when I find myself in a place where one cry of "fire" or a single gunshot can produce a stampede that could trample dozens of people, some never surviving, I get a little antsy…