Driveway for Ranger Ron

Driveway for Ranger RonDriveway for Ranger Ron Part TwoI met Ron through Couchsufing. We’ve both traveled to a few places. He has had a much more interesting life than I have. My life has been somewhat traditional and, from what I could gather from our conversations, his has not. However, we seemed to click as far as our perceptions of life were concerned. The picture on the left is the first part of Ron’s driveway. It is the beginning. Up on the right is a right turn and once the turn is made the house can be seen. This is the picture on the right. I think it’s about a mile to his house as far as the total distance is concerned. He doesn’t have a lot of neighbors. I think he said there were about 300 occupied dwellings in a twenty mile radius. When I drew a circle on a map with a twenty-two mile radius it didn’t even take in the town where the local children attended school. I thought that was interesting. I asked him how far it was to get fuel and he said that it was a twenty-mile drive to the nearest pump. He told me that it was fifty miles to a grocery store of any size. Man, that’s rural. Ron calls it off-the-grid. I wonder…