Europe 2014 – Sardinia

If you are reading this the you may have received a request for information. It’s me trying to do a little planning. I’m planing on going to Sardinia. After you read this I would appreciate any comments, feedback, recommendations that you might have.I have never been there before. The types of things I need to know are:

Airlines: I see that Ryanair has flights from Cagliari and Alghero to Barcelona for as little as 14.70€ and I’m wondering if there is any problems with these flights that you know of. I would assume that I would be arriving and/or departing on on one of these flights.

I have been to get around Sardinia without a car and have found it to be a wonderful website. I understand that I can travel by train OR by bus between Cagliari and Alghero. Wikitravel has good write-up on Alghero and a not so good write-up on Cagliari. I plan on using public transportation.

Buses: I have been able to use Google to look at bus options to travel around Sardinia. Wikitravel says: there is a direct bus from Cagliari to Alghero. It costs €20 and takes 3.5 hours.

Trains: Italian Trains is the website for one train. Wikitravel says that the cost of train tickets are: Alghero-Sassari is Eur2.20 and Sassari-Cagliari at standard fare second class will run you Eur13.65 each way. No student or age discounts.

Hostels: None in Alghero. Cagliari – one hostel - Dorms From US$31.80. I plan on Couchsurfing as much as possible.

The following cities have Wikipedia sites so I can look at the  attractions:  CagliariSassariOlbiaTempioAlgheroNuoroOristano, and Porto Torres.