Fall Trip – 6 Weeks and 5,256 Miles

Kia RioMy fall trip is over. It took six weeks. I traveled 5,256 miles in my Kia Rio which I bought new in 2001. I liked the car so well that I bought another new one in 2012. I used 149.64 gallons of gas for an average of 35.12 MPG over the entire trip. My original plan was to average 100 miles a day for a rough cost of $10 a day for fuel. In actuality my fuel cost was more like $12.50 per day. My daily cost of lodging was under $10 a day thanks to friends and fellow Couchsurfers, Evergreen Club, and Be Welcome members. Oh, yes… Let’s not forget the U.S. National Park Service and a few state campgrounds. My food costs where usually less than $10 a day. Only on some days did I splurge and go out and get a big, expensive meal. That was usually when I was dining out with other people. Granted, it was more likely to find a hat on my head that said “Street Food Fool” rather than one that said  ”Gourmand” or one that implied I was someone that subscribed to Southern Living or Gourmet Magazine. I would guess my food costs were under $15 a day. This puts my basic expenses for my trip at around $37.50 per day. I’m rather pleased with that number. I’m glad I went. I got to see a lot of things I’d never seen before and meet a lot of really, really nice people. I’m glad I’m home. My favorite part of every trip is going home.