Main Pedestrian Drag Malaga Spain

Main Pedestrian Drag MalagaIt’s the main pedestrian drag in Malaga a little early in the day. There is a very large area of Malaga that is primarily restricted to pedestrians. I’m not sure what the rules and regulations are but it seems to me that you only see cars in these areas early in the morning when it appears that they are making deliveries of products. The rest of the day you don’t see cars or scooters in the area. For the most part it would be very impractical for someone to try and drive a vehicle through all those people. I liked Malaga. There wasn’t really any reason for me to want to go there other than it just seemed to be on the way to where I wanted to go and I’d never been there before. What I found I liked, No, it’s not going to be one of the great tourist towns of the next twenty years, but I do think that it’s worth a visit and I’m glad I went.