Our Life is About Choices

Our lives are about choices. It’s just that simple.

I got up this morning ready to do some more work on my Spring 2014 vacation. First though, I usually like to check the news, weather, and sports. I can do it fro the convenience of an electronic device. So, I’m at CNN and I spy a video. The caption was “Man loses weight eating only …” and I thought that might be interesting. So I watched it. It turns out he ate only at at McDonald’s restaurants for ninety days and lost thirty-seven pounds. Watch the video. It’s all about choices. .

Right next to that video was another one entitled “Man poses as homeless to give back” and I watched that one as well. Turns out there was a guy standing on corner in the snow in freezing weather with a sign asking for help. The corner is frequently occupied by homeless people. When people gave the guy money he gave them an envelope with money in it and a note praising them for their gift. Turns out the guy was a local businessman who gave away about $1,000 that day to people who gave to him. Nice touch. It was a reminder of what the holiday season is all about.