Rasnov Romania Fortress

Rasnov Romania FortressI paid a visit to the Rasnov Fortress. According to popular thought, the fortress was built between 1211 and 1225. It was built to keep the invaders from the south from going through the local mountain pass which was the easiest way to the north. It was supposed to have been built by German Teutonic Knights to keep the invaders out of Germany. The local towns around Rasnov used it as a really big fraidy-hole. When an invasion happened they would get inside the fortress. It was supposed to have held up well. Only once, in 1612, were its’ fortifications breached. Did I like it? You bet. It does have a substantial amount of the original structure intact. It certainly has enough to give you a very good picture of what life was like back in the day before serious artillery was available.