Ruth in Zimbabe Africa

Ruth in Zimbabe Africa

Ruth in Zimbabe Africa

This is Ruth, our tour leader in one of her less animated moments. Ruth isn’t usually this calm. She’s ususally a lot more active. Ruth is from England. Ruth’s job is to be a tour leader. She tells us what’s going on, where we need to be and when we need to be there. She tells us where we will be going and what there is to do once we get there. She helps us find food. She helps us find ATM machines. She helps us find bars where they seve alcoholic beverages. Ruth spends two months going from Nairobi to Capetown with a group of tourists. Then she does it again. Ruth sleeps in the truck each night, not in a tent like the rest of us. Ruth has a very different sort of job. Note that the largest dimension available for this picture is 1024 X 768 as it was uploaded at a very slow bandwidth from a remote location in Africa.