Scooter Zimbabwe Africa

Scooter Zimbabwe Africa

Scooter Zimbabwe Africa

Okay, I admit it. I just had to rent the scooter. Mainly because I love to ride. It’s also a great way to see a location. I think it’s one of the best ways to get around anywhere. I rode around the town of Victoria Falls and got to see a lot of things other people didn’t because I had mobility. I could cover a lot more ground in two hour on the scooter than I ever could walking and feel a lot better about it afterward. It’s physically tough to walk around town all day. It’s easy to take a scooter ride for a few hours. There’s a reason I have a Honda Silver Wing parked outside my back door and it’s not to dress up my back yard, although the scooter does dress it up a bit. Note that the largest dimension available for this picture is 1024 X 768 as it was uploaded at a very slow bandwidth from a remote location in Africa.