Side Pocket

Side Pocket

Side Pocket

It’s called Side Pocket High Gravity Ale. It’s brewed by City Brewing Company, La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States. Beer Advocate rates it a "D" class beer and has the word "Avoid" by it. That kinda irritates me because I actually like the stuff. It is along the genre of all those 40 oz malt liquors that sell for a little over a dollar. This one, however, comes in a 24 oz can. They say it has a bigger brother, a 40 oz monster that weighs in at an alcohol-by-volume of 10.5%. Given the fact that I like to drink alone, you can understand why I like really cheap beers that have an of ABV of 8.5%. Face it, some people are destined to appreciate some of the things in life that aren’t so enviable.