Tag Archives: Felluca

Me & Felluca Crew

Me & Felluca Crew

Me & Felluca Crew

The crew of the felluca. These guys were great. If I could get the same felluca the next time on the Nile, I would. I’d like to tell you that they let me sail the felluca but that wouldn’t rea;;y be the whole truth. They just kinda let me watch and pretend I was sailing the felluca. However, I’m sure if you were a sailor and you had a few extra bucks in your pocket, I’m sure the captain of a felluca could be persuaded to allow you to sail down the Nile.

On Felluca Pic 9

On Felluca Pic 9

On Felluca Pic 9

The felluca, docked. Notice the ganplank to the shore. This was a couple of 2 X 6′s nailed together to form a walkway that was around 12 feet long. Now most of the time it wasn’t a problem. But, after a couple of beers and in a high wind, getting on and off the boat started to get a bit more tricky.

Felluca Trip

Felluca Trip

Felluca Trip

This is our felluca at the dock in Aswan. At the time I boarded it I was travelling alone. There were seven passengers on the felluca. Three Canadians, two Kiwi, me and a Chinese fellow. The trip cost $14 when book from the hotel. That included 4 days and 3 nights and all meals. Yes, that’s right, $14. Per person. I’m tempted to go back to Awan and spend the rest of my life riding up and down the Nice on a felluca. Just kidding.