Tag Archives: Gas Prices

Gas Prices Cagliari Sardinia

Gas Prices Cagliari SardiniaSo what’s the point of this post? Why would I take a picture from the seat of a bus of a sign that gives the price of diesel fuel and unleaded petrol? Well, if you read the sign carefully, unleaded is 1.87 euros a liter. Since there are approximately 4 liters to a gallon, that makes a gallon of gas 7,20 euros a gallon. If you think that’s pricey, wait till I tell you that’s about $10.00 a gallon. That’s pricey for a gallon of fuel. At least in my book. What I found was that everything is expensive on an island. I think that goes for islands in general. But, the price of fuel and food on islands in the Mediterranean are particularly high. My advice is to stay off of them unless you really need to be there for some reason.