Tag Archives: Kuching

Semenggoh Feeding

Semenggoh Feeding

Semenggoh Feeding

It was an orangutan feeding at the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre. I was lucky enough to see the staff feed five orangutans that live at the facility in the afternoon feeding session. They feed once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Semenggoh is a really neat place. It’s a center for rehabilitating orangutans that are having problems. There are no fences. The orangutans are loose. Notice the one on the picture had come down to take food out of the feeder’s hand. It was quite a show. It was one of the coolest, most interesting things that I saw when I was in Asia. I’ve heard that there can be as many as 20 of the orangutans present during one of the feeding sessions. I’d really like to see that. It’s one thing to see a docile animal, sitting in a cage in a zoo. It’s another to see them in roaming free in an area where they live. I was impressed. It wasn’t anything like I had imagined. Do you know that orangutans like to hang out at 30 to 60 feet up in the forest canopy? I thought I was cool driving up and down the strip in my hometown when I was a kid, but swinging around the canopy of a rain forest at 30-60 feet is so much cooler. They’re really great at swinging from tree to tree. I sat there amazed, watching them elegantly wandering around above me, effortlessly moving from tree to tree. This group was so much better than Tarzan ever thought about being. I could see where I might spend a few morning or afternoons a month at the center watching the orangutans if I lived in Kuching.

Mosque – Kuching

Mosque - Kuching

Mosque – Kuching

I know it’s a mosque. What I don’t know is what are those objects that are on the grass that appear that they may be headstones or markers for a grave. The mosque at Kuching is impressive. If you ride a bus in the city, you get to see the mosque often because the bus station areas are right around the corner from the mosque. There are other mosques in Kuching. This was the biggest one I saw.

Sunday Market – Kuching

Sunday Market - Kuching

Sunday Market – Kuching

It was insanity intensified. It was the Sunday Market in Kuching. I’ve seen some big markets in my day. Really big ones. The one in Kuching was so big that I didn’t even try to find the end of it. I just wandered around aimlessly for a couple of hours and then called it quits. It’s to bad I didn’t need anything. There were some serious bargains to be had, I’m sure.

Top Spot – Kuching

Top Spot - Kuching

Top Spot – Kuching

It’s called Top Spot and it’s a favorite dining spot in Kuching. It’s on the top of a large car park, assuring the food court that there’s plenty of parking,, but not free parking. There are quite a few seafood restaurants in a large, semi-open space that were selling more seafood dishes than I cared to try in one sitting. The had more fish than I coud possibly want to eat. It all looked quite fresh, packed in ice. It was also a little pricey. I could easily see myself spending $25-30 on a seafood dinner and I really wasn’t that hungry. I’m sure it would have been good, but that was more food than I was ready to deal with at the time.

India Street – Kuching

India Street - Kuching

India Street – Kuching

It was India Street in Kuching, Malaysia. You knew when you arrived at the lcoation that you had hit the old part of the city market area. It was also very close to the bus stations, which weren’t really stations at all. They were just a bunch of buses parked in the same area that picked up passengers. Strangely, the bus system seemed to work really well without a lot of formal administration. I rode it several times. Notice how India Street appears to be wet. That’s because it was. It rained everyday that I was in Kuching. Sometimes a lot. Sometimes a lot for a long time. It cut into my tanning time. And my touring time.

River Walk – Kuching

River Walk - Kuching

River Walk – Kuching

Kuching has a really nice riverwalk. Look at the design on the sidewalk. Look at the nice wrought-iron fence. Look at the nice landscaping. There were also lots of little food stalls that set up tables and lamps in the evening and cooked food for people who came to the river to eat. Nice touch.

City Hall – Kuching

City Hall - Kuching

City Hall – Kuching

I was surprised. Kuching was a modern city. This really isn’t the City Hall.
Actually, I’n not sure exactly what it is. I just know that it’s some kind of local government building. I’d call it a little progressive. Wouldn’t you?

Kuching Cats

Kuching Cats

Kuching Cats

Kuching means cat in Malay. That’s why they have all kinds of cat symbolism in Kuching. They have lots of cat statues and a cat museum. I’ve never been to a cat museum before. I’m not sure how many cat museums they have in the world, but I don’t think the number is very high. This statue in in downtown Kuching.