Las Cruces NM


Las Cruces NMHatch NM Chiles_smIt’s a picture of Las Cruces, NM, on the right. It’s where I find myself today. I got here via Socorro,  Elephant Butte, Truth or Consequences (TorC), and Hatch (the picture on the left), New Mexico. It was a fun ride. I really enjoyed Truth or Consequences. It was really laid back. I’m guessing that there are more RV parks per capita in that city than any other place in the world. If you need a good place to park your RV for the winter, TorC might just be the place. But, this post is supposed to be a post about Las Cruces. I’d never been to Las Cruces, nor did I know anything about it. What I found as a nice-sized city that was economically vibrant and set in a beautiful valley with gorgeous mountains around it. The river is the Rio Grande. This is not a picture I took. I borrowed it from Team Builders, who not only have the large economy size of the picture to look at, but have a great write-up on the city of Las Cruces as well. Click here for more images of Las Cruces.