Tapas for Dinner in Spain

Tapas for Dinner in SpainI went out with my Couchsurfing friend to see if we could rustle up some grub. That’s western talk for finding something to eat. We drove around for a bit and even went into one place only to be disappointed and leave. We stopped at a bar to see what was there and to out surprise we found some really great food. It started with a large, tasty salad Continue reading

Ronda Spain View

Ronda Spain ViewRonda. What can I say about it? I think the main thing to say is that I took more pictures in the one day I was in the city of Ronda than I did any any other ten hour period in the first month of the trip. That’s because Ronda has some really incredible views and people like me try to capture them in a digital format. We really can’t but we keep trying Continue reading

Welcome to Gibraltar

Welcome to GibraltarIt’s a nice sign. What’s even nicer is to be able to take a picture of it. What that means is that I was getting ready to cross the runway of the Gibraltar Airport and head for Casemates Square where I could catch one of the buses to take me to more spots in Gibraltar. What most people don’t realize is how small the place really is. However, there’s Continue reading

Main Pedestrian Drag Malaga Spain

Main Pedestrian Drag MalagaIt’s the main pedestrian drag in Malaga a little early in the day. There is a very large area of Malaga that is primarily restricted to pedestrians. I’m not sure what the rules and regulations are but it seems to me that you only see cars in these areas early in the morning when it appears that they are making deliveries of products. The rest of the day you don’t see Continue reading

Castle on Top of Hill Andalusia

Castle on Top of Hill AndalusiaI stayed in Andalusia with a friend from Couchsurfing for a few days. She was an American who had retired to Spain. She also had a house in Italy where she would go for part of the year. Staying with her was like being in a little period of heaven for a while. Her house was lovely. The views in the morning were spectacular. There were large Continue reading

Malaga Bull Ring from Alcabazar

Malaga Bull Ring from AlcabazarI found Malaga to be an interesting city. It is most noted for beaches. It sits on the Costa del Sol and it does have some interesting beaches. It has a substantial ex-pat population that lives there. It appears to have a reasonably robust economy. It also has a few sights. The Old Town is nice. The bull ring is for real. There is an Alcabazar that I believe Continue reading

Granada Side Street

Granada Side StreetGranada has some steep hills. Not all of Granada, just the section around the Alhambra. It makes for some fairly serious climbs for people who live in the area. However, it also makes for some really great photo opportunities. How they built some of these places I’ll never know. I guess they did not have to worry about things moving around once the initial footings were dug. They had some great side streets in the town. The medieval section of the city was especially interesting. I did a little walking but I have to confess that there were times when I had to ask myself if I really wanted to to do the climbing to get to the top of some of those streets.

Alcazar Cordoba Spain

Alcazar Cordoba SpainThis palace is technically known as the Alcázar of the Christian Monarchs. In the earliest of times the site where the Alcazar now stands contained a fortress built by the Visigoths. The fortress that is there today was originally an Arab fortress that they built in the 8th century. In the 12th century the fort was taken by Christian forces. It served as a residences of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon at one time. During the Spanish Inquisition the Alcazar figured as a prominent location of some of the tribunals. The Spanish government made the Alcazar a tourist attraction in the 1950s.

Dorm Mates Playing Beer Pong

Dorm Mates Playing Beer PongIf you’ve never played beer pong, it’s time you started. According to Wikipedia, “Beer pong, also known as Beirut, is a drinking game in which players throw a ping pong ball across a table with the intent of landing the ball in a cup of beer on the other end. The game typically consists of two teams of two players each with 6 cups set up in a triangle Continue reading