Women’s Rights

Women's Rights

Women’s Rights

Women’s Rights is the newest Google Background. It’s the message of the day. It’s about Alice Paul who “was the architect of some of the most outstanding political achievements on behalf of women in the 20th century.” I’m all for the politics of women’s rights. 100%. It only makes moral and ethical sense. Women deserve access to education, equal pay, voting, walking in front of me, a really big pickup truck, poopin’ in the woods and everything else, including those last bastions of male dominance, the infantry and the priesthood of the Catholic Church. And any other church for that matter, a thought that causes my feeble brain to immediately focus on the term “lightening bolt” though I’m not sure why. Go for it ladies. It’s yours for the taking and you can tick-off all those smug, self-righteous, macho *a%$!9#&^s in the process making it all the sweeter. Just remember, all that advancement comes with some responsibilities. Big ones. Like getting me a fresh beer out of the fridge on you way back from the kitchen. :-D