Canon Elph 115 IS

Canon ElphIt was time to buy a new camera. What was I to do? There are hundreds of cameras out there in my price range. I didn’t want to make this as complicated as buying a home. My immediate questions were: (1) price point; (2) camera raw format; and (3) zoom. I knew that I must have a camera that fits into my pocket. The camera needed to cost less than $500 and preferably substantially less than that point. The question of zoom, while an issue, wasn’t a bog one. The issue of camera raw was something I kicked around for a while. I knew if I had camera raw the price point jumped significantly. Did I really need it? It gave me a lot more flexability, but the truth is that I rarely needed or desired to have the flexability that camera raw would give me. I also wondered about recording at 1080 pixels vs 720. In the end I opted for 720 pixels, the format of my current TV, knowing that HD at 720 pixels was pretty good. I also consdered GPS as a feature. But, did I really need it? Not really. Nice, but who really cares? I would know where the pictures were taken. In the end I went to Wal-mart to see if they had a Canon PowerShot A2300 in stock. Why? Because it got a 4.3 out of 5 stars at Amazon with 619 reviews. The only trouble was that Wal_mart didn’t carry that camera but did carry the elph 115. I bought it after talking to the faily knowldgable camera guy in the store. I had great luck with my last Canon camera and I figured I’d ahve good luck with this one as well. Okay, it isn’t fancy but I’m not that good a photographer anyway.