Hotel Deals – The Book

Hotel Deals - The Book
Available at Amazon
Want to save money on hotel roomss? Want to get a better hotel room for your money? Want to know how to avoid places to stay that you wished you hadn’t stayed in? Don’t have the luxury of utilizing a corporate credit card for booking a hotel room? Like comfort and cleanliness?

Hotels can be expensive. I know. There was a time in my life when I usually went to three to four trade shows a year in various places like Las Vegas, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Dallas. I traveled on business. I was a consultant in the field of Information Technology for the majority of my adult working life. I also like to travel recreationally. As of the writing of this book I’ve vacationed in over 100 countries. Many of them I’ve visited several times and I’ve spent more than a month at a time in some of them. I’ve left the United States on a few occasions for trips overseas that lasted for several months. When I’m overseas I tend to have an ad hoc style of travel, rarely booking accommodations more than three or four days in advance. I know what it’s like to have to find a place to sleep. I’ve done it hundreds of times. I think that I have a bit more experience with the art of finding accommodations on my own than the average person, especially as I’m wandering around places I’ve never been to before. I think I’m more than qualified to talk about finding accommodations while traveling.

The point of the information in this book is to help you find the type of accommodation that you are looking for at the best price available at the time. Hotels vary in price and quality. That’s because of the market for hotel accommodations. some people want budget accommodations and some people want more upscale places to lay their head. This book doesn’t try to tell you what accommodations you should book. That choice is up to you. It does try to explain to you how to get the best deal on the type of accommodation that you want, whether it’s a five-star luxury hotel or a hotel with no stars at all.