Soup Saturday

Soup Saturday

Soup Saturday

It’s Soup Saturday. The beans, flax seeds, walnuts, and almonds are in the crock pot. Tomorrow, all those yummy veggies join them in the kettles. By the end of Valentine’s Day I should have about 18 containers ready for the freezer. Yum. Do I believe that a person can make better vegetable soup than they could ever get in the store? Absolutely. Why do I make it? Because my perception is that it’s better for me than Little Debbies, Cheetos, or Häagen-Dazs, all of which I prefer but don’t buy. As I’ve gotten older I’ve seen my lifestyle change. There hasn’t been a pound of beef or bacon in my refrigerator in years. My phone has a standing alert that goes off every Wednesday afternoon that simply says Sprouts. For those of you that don’t know, that’s an American grocery chain that’s noted for their excellent selection of vegetables at really good prices and Wednesday is Double Sale day. I may long for the world’s greasiest $1 double cheeseburger at Zesto’s but I sadly realize it’s a thing of the past. Oh well, at least I can say that I make the best vegetable soup I can can find anywhere this side a large corner soup stall I frequented while hanging out in Luang Prabang, a place that’s hard to get away from.