Tag Archives: U.S. Travel

Portal AZ Post Office

Portal AZ Post OfficeThis is the Portal, AZ Post Office. My friend Ron has a PO Box there. I asked him how often it was open and I think he said that you could find someone there a couple of times a week. It was kinda’ cute.

Border Check Point in Arizona

Border Check Point ArizonaWhat you have in this picture is one of the many check points that can be found when you are in America and get near the border to Mexico. I’m assuming that the main issues that the people who man these check points care about are illegal aliens and drugs. Personally, such things as interrogations and possible searches make me Continue reading

Las Cruces NM


Las Cruces NMHatch NM Chiles_smIt’s a picture of Las Cruces, NM, on the right. It’s where I find myself today. I got here via Socorro,  Elephant Butte, Truth or Consequences (TorC), and Hatch (the picture on the left), New Mexico. It was a fun ride. I really enjoyed Truth or Consequences. It was really laid back. I’m guessing that there are more RV parks per capita in that city than any other place in the world. If you need a good place to park your RV for the winter, TorC might just be the place. But, this post is supposed to be a post about Las Cruces. Continue reading

Library Problems

Socorro LibraryTorC LibraryI had a couple of problems with libraries on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday I rolled out of Albuquerque heading south. I wasn’t in much of a hurry so I stopped in Socorro to use the library. The sign said the library was open. However, all the lights were out and the door was locked. A woman pulled up in her car, got out, approached the building, and dropped some books in the book drop. I asked her why the library was closed. She didn’t think it was. We talked. It turns out that Monday was Columbus Day. I’m lucky I knew it was Monday, let alone Columbus Day. I’m still not sure what Columbus day is. I drove on into Truth of Consequences (TorC), NM and camped out at Elephant Butte Lake State Park. On Tuesday I went to the library at Truth of Consequences and was told they didn’t have wi-fi. I thought about asking if there was a Radio Shack nearby and whether they’d like me to set it up for them for free but I thought the better of it.

New Mexico Pics – Oct 2013

These are some of the pictures I took while I was in Albuquerque and when I went wandering around Northern New Mexico in Octoner, 2013..

Heading Uptown in ABQ

ABQ Uptown BusWhenever I’m in Albuquerque I like to ride the bus. The bus in ABQ is unique. When I ride buses in most of the places I visit I do it to take in the scenery, to look at buildings, neighborhoods, and the environment in general. I want to know about the city. But, in Albuquerque it’s a little different. I ride the buses for two reasons. First I want to to get to an outlying location so that I can ride my bicycle back rather than out and back. Continue reading